Thursday, November 17, 2022

ELIXR: Fun Nights = Good Mornings

Drink an Elixr before a night of partying and feel good in the morning

The Holidays are coming!  The Holidays are coming!

Ready or not they are right around the corner ready to tackle you when you least expect it.

Holidays are a fun filled, super stressful, overeating and over drinking time of the year.  We visit with family and friends, cook lots of food, laugh tons, unbutton our pants and pull our shirts down so that no one sees.  We decorate, we buy things that we know we absolutely DO NOT need, but it's on sale, cute and Holiday-ey.

The holidays mean different things for everyone.  A holiday that used to bring joy can now bring sorrow or vice versa.  The holidays mean you'll have to pinch your pennies and not be able to spend extra money for the next few months.  But we celebrate them anyway.  We get through them and before we know it a brand new year has begun.

Throughout all of that there is 1 constant.......ALCOHOL.  Am I right?  I mean that's why you read my blog right?  And far be it from me to disappoint you in that department, haha.

While I have many many cocktail recipes here, today I want to tell you about a new product that is an absolute GAME CHANGER!!




As you saw above:
Fun Nights = Good Mornings

Elixr is packed with lots and lots of amazing ingredients.  Check out all of these things:

You can go here to read more about what's inside and what it can do for you:

Yes I have absolutely put Elixr to the test.........uh for research purposes of course.

I have had many friends try it with me on multiple occasions and the response I get the next day is that they "Feel Good".

Let's be honest.  When we are in our 20's we can party all night, sleep for a couple hours, get up, go to work, totally function and then do it all over again.  100%.  Easy Peasy!!

Into our 30's that's getting a little tougher to do, but it's still doable.......just not every night.

Fast forward to our 40's.  Forget about it!!  If I was to have one of those nights (prior to Elixr being around) now.....shoot I'm out for a week.  I'm exhausted, I feel like crap the entire next day......which depending on how hard we went the night before...could quite possibly last until the next day as well.  So needless to say those crazy nights of partying (so I thought) need to be spaced REALLY spaced out.

Now that I have Elixr

It's super easy to make, drink and enjoy your evening.  You can mix it up with water (2 flavors so far: margarita and piña colada) and down the hatch it goes.  You can also mix it up in your cocktail as well.


- Each serving is 4oz of water : 1/2 scoop of Elixr
- I highly suggest that you use a little less than a 1/2 scoop of Elixr.  To me the full amount is a tab bit too sweet for me.  But don't worry, using a little bit less still gives you the effects you are looking for.
- After you mix it up pour it over ice and give it a good swirl.  It tastes best over ice.

One other thing that I wanted to share with you is that Thursday November 17th we are starting our Doorbuster and Black Friday sales a week early!  Yes!!!!  Lots of items are on sale through the end of the month.  Most Doorbuster items will still be on sale after the 17th, just at a slightly higher amount.


Elixr will ONLY BE ON SALE Thursday November 17th 2022 from 12:00 noon - midnight.  Once the 18th comes around that sale is done.  So I HIGHLY SUGGEST that you JUMP on this sale before it's over!

Sale only November 17th 12:00 noon PST - midnight

There you have it, the answer to all of your "Morning Afters".  So set your alarm and get yourself some Elixr.  You will be SO happy you did!

Hope you all have a wonderful holiday season no matter what you celebrate!

The Holidays are coming!  The Holidays are coming!Ready or not they are right around the corner ready to tackle you when you least expect it.Holidays are a fun filled, super stressful, overeating and over drinking time of the year.  We visit with family and friends, cook lots of food, laugh tons, unbutton our pants and pull our shirts down so that no one sees.  We decorate, we buy things that we...

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Frost Buddy

To say that I've been busy over the past few months is an absolute understatement!  

Has the insanity that was the "pre-Covid" days started to sneak up on you again?

Have your days and nights become super busy all of the sudden.....but you were expecting the insanity to slowly creep up and not SLAP YOU IN THE FACE and say it's Game Time Jen, LET'S GO!

Well it sure has for me and I'm feeling like I'm hanging on by a thread and totally faking it.

We have 4 kids (10-22) so you can only imagine all of the different things we have going on any day of the week.  Although our oldest moved out almost a year ago, our 3 who still live with us keep us on our toes!  

Pre-Covid we were going 500 mph.  Then Covid hit and BAM 0 mph.

We got used to it.  I got lazy.  I gained weight.....Covid-Weight I call it so that it's not entirely my fault, lol!

Now that things have started getting back to "a version" of normal, our lives are picking back up as we started at 100 mph moved directly to 300 mph and NOW I FEEL LIKE A CRAZY WOMAN as we're back to 500+ mph.  

I mean how in the heck did we ever do ALL OF THE THINGS before?  And keep our sanity?  And not need 5 naps a day to keep up?

So what are all of the things?  Softball, Soccer, Basketball, Softball Board Meetings, School, a Senior in High School, "Encouraging" our Senior to get his drivers license, figuring out colleges, organizing a booth at the local festival, organizing our daughters softball teams Halloween costumes, birthday parties........OK, I'll stop....I mean I could go on, but I think you get the picture.

Plus if I continue, I will start drinking before I get this post out.

Which isn't a "Bad" thing necessarily....OK, focus Jen.

All of that being said, over the summer (as our lives were at about 300 mph) we had a LOT of softball tournaments to attend for our oldest daughter (also my husband's the coach, so that adds to the craziness of it as well) which was a lot of fun.  

BUT as any Softball Mom knows, there is one thing that goes Hand-In-Hand with a softball tournament.......canned beverages!  

Oh that's right, whether it's a beer, Truly, White Claw or my newly found favorite (OK, discovered back in May/June) High Noons!

Seriously these High Noon canned vodka cocktails are GOOD!  Too good.  Like they go down sooo super easy and then you realize you've had 4, but still want more.  So you go for it good!

Now the only problem I was having in the heck am I going to keep my canned drinks cold in this 80+ degree heat?  One tournament we played at the temperature outside was a ridiculous 106 degrees....WTH!

Sure I've used can coolers that I've purchased off of Amazon.  I mean they keep my can cool.....ish.....for a little while, but I always felt like I needed to drink my beverage a lot faster than I ever wanted to.

Then one magical day I stumbled upon Frost Buddy.  

You know, you're on Facebook or Instagram and ads are always popping up.  But THIS ad was ONE OF THOSE ADS for a product that you didn't even know that you had been looking for or really needed.

Yes it was one of THOSE kinds of ads.

I browsed through their website.....and as I do with anything I find on the internet, I Googled the SHIT out of it.  Found others who talked about it, read lots of reviews, clicked lots of links and finally came up with my decision.

Heck yes, let's try this thing out.

HOLY CRAP was I glad I did!

OK, let's talk about what this little guy does.

Well first of all, the Frost Buddy can hold all of these!!

I mean seriously, can 1 product hold all of these different sized cans and bottles?  YES

To prove it, check out my video I did to review the Frost Buddy!  

Also I'd LOVE for you to subscribe to my You Tube channel as well!

Can 1 product keep them all super cold?  YES

Does this thing really work and actually keep your can, bottle and beverage cold for a long time?  YES

OK, but will I find a color or pattern that I like?  I FOUND MANY....AND BOUGHT MANY.

So if you notice in the picture below......I have a Frost Buddy not pictured above.  Actually we have an all black one as well.  Those two are up at the lake, just waiting for us to drive up and use them.

So let's talk Frost Buddy.  Not only do they have these AMAZING can & bottle coolers, they also have a Wine Buddy.  

What Wine?  Yes, Wine!

Now your wine bottle will always be the perfect temperature.  Whether that is cold or room temperature, you can be sure that your wine bottle will remain the same temperature even on a hot day!

Next I would like to introduce you to the Mug Buddy!

So far I have only used mine as a tumbler.....ahem, for a cocktail....actually a very LARGE cocktail.  

BUT I will be using it very soon for a hot beverage and I just know that it'll keep it hot for a long time.

This product, the Buddy Bowl has been out of stock for a little while.  I have been PATIENTLY awaiting it's return so that I can get a big 'ole bowl for my pups.  As of right now it comes in these 3 colors, but as with their other items, I have hopes that it will come in more colors one day!

One last EXCITING thing to tell you about!  Coming soon, as in very soon Frost Buddy is coming out with a BRAND NEW PRODUCT!!!!  Let me introduce you to Water Buddy.....or Sports Buddy, not sure which is the official name!

I've already signed up and received my 40% off discount code.  I LOVE everything Frost Buddy, so I just know that I am going to LOVE this new product as well!

OK, OK, by now you're probably saying WE GET IT JEN!  We get it!

Frost Buddy's are freaking amazing!  So, how do I get one?

Well I'm glad you asked!  I have a special link for you to use and when you do so and use the code: FBJENNIFER2686017 at checkout you will receive FREE SHIPPING on your order!  That's right FREE!

So what are you waiting for?  Click this link, use my special code and GET YOUR FROST BUDDY TODAY!!

Order Your Frost Buddy Today!!  You will be SO glad you did!

Be sure to check back often because they are always coming out with new pattern as well as Limited Edition patterns that will only be around for a short time, like these 2 amazing designs!

Happy Shopping!

To say that I've been busy over the past few months is an absolute understatement!  Has the insanity that was the "pre-Covid" days started to sneak up on you again?Have your days and nights become super busy all of the sudden.....but you were expecting the insanity to slowly creep up and not SLAP YOU IN THE FACE and say it's Game Time Jen, LET'S GO!Well it sure has for me and I'm feeling like I'm...

Friday, July 30, 2021

Blue Hawaiian Jello Shots

 Jello Shots!!

Jello Shots!!

Lately we've been on the BIGGEST Jello Shot kick!

I like to make mine more like I make my cocktails.  I mean anyone can mix some jello, water and vodka and call it a day, but I like mine to have a bit more flavor than just that.

Blue Hawaiian Jello Shots

Now let's talk a moment about this Jello Shot recipe I created.

First off it's called a Blue Hawaiian.  

No it's not BLUE.

I get that.

Now, if you do a Google search for Blue Hawaiian Jello Shots....well, they're mostly blue. 

I'll tell you why.  They use Berry Blast Blue Jello to make them.

What's the problem with that?

There's no blue berry flavor in a Blue Hawaiian.  So why are we putting it in our Jello Shots?  Simply to make the shot blue.

Like I said, I make mine to taste like a cocktail and in this case I want it to taste like a Blue Hawaiian.

The green color is a pretty and what's even better? 

It's freaking delicious!

Seriously!  Delicious and OH so easy to make!  Here's how:

Pour the Jello mix into a bowl and set aside.  Boil the water.  

Pour the water into a bowl that has the Jello powder waiting.  Stir well for 2 whole minutes.

Add in the coconut rum.

The pineapple juice.

The blue curacao.

Stir everything together.

I usually lay my 2 ounce plastic containers out like this on a paper towel.  That way if anything drips it goes directly onto the paper towels and not my counters.

I use this pancake pourer to pour my jello shot liquid.  It minimizes my mess.

Fill up the containers.  I usually fill them about 3/4 way full.  When I do that I get "roughly" 17-19 Jello shots. 

For this batch I got 19.  When you are done, put the lids on top and stick them in the fridge overnight.  

The longer they sit in the fridge the better they taste.  I prefer to have mine sit for 2 days.

You can dress them up when you are ready to serve with a tiny pineapple slice if you'd like.  I serve mine as is, no extra fluff, just the jello shot.

Here's my recipe for these AMAZING Jello Shots!

Yield: 19
Author: Jennifer Penas
Blue Hawaiian Jello Shots

Blue Hawaiian Jello Shots


  • 3 ounce box Island Pineapple Jello
  • 1 cup water
  • 4 ounces coconut rum
  • 2 ounces blue curacao
  • 2 ounces pineapple juice
  • 2 ounce plastic containers with lids


  1. Boil water on stove.
  2. Pour boiling water into a bowl and add the Jello package. 
  3. Stir for 2 minutes.
  4. Pour in the rest of the ingredients.
  5. Stir.
  6. Pour into 2 ounce plastic containers.
  7. Snap lids on top.
  8. Refrigerate over night.
Did you make this recipe?
Tag @ayearofcocktails on instagram and hashtag it #
Created using The Recipes Generator


Jello Shots!!Jello Shots!!Lately we've been on the BIGGEST Jello Shot kick!I like to make mine more like I make my cocktails.  I mean anyone can mix some jello, water and vodka and call it a day, but I like mine to have a bit more flavor than just that.Now let's talk a moment about this Jello Shot recipe I created.First off it's called a Blue Hawaiian.  No it's not BLUE.I get that.Now, if you do...

Wednesday, May 5, 2021



cinco de mayo, tequila, paloma, cocktail, grapefruit juice

This is THE cocktail that you will want to drink
THIS Cinco De Mayo!!

cinco de mayo, tequila, paloma, cocktail

Happy Cinco De Mayo!!

What better way to celebrate such a wonderful day than with an ice cold Paloma!

Until a few months ago I had never heard of a Paloma.

<Gasp, I know>

But I hadn't!

I was asked to create a Paloma recipe for the magazine I write for, so I googled it and started creating a recipe to my likings.


This is my husband and mines new favorite cocktail!  When we're up at the lake house we seem to drink it ALL the time!

Speaking of the lake.....where we are in California we need rain to fill up our lakes.  


We drive by another lake on our way up to our lake house and there are now islands and land where there used to be a LOT of feet of water.  

It's so sad.  This summer will not be a bit boating summer for sure unless we get A TON of rain.

Which I don't see happening.  Which is a bummer.  So extra pool time is how we will be spending our summer time up at the lake this year.  Fingers crossed that this winter brings all of the rain that we need!

OK, back to the cocktail!

In celebration of Cinco De Mayo, I decided to share my recipe with you all so that you too can enjoy the deliciousness that is, The Paloma!

This is such a simple cocktail to make.  First add your tequila.

Next add the grapefruit juice.

Add in the lime juice (I used frozen lime juice made from a neighbors lime tree, yum).

Onto the simple syrup.

And finally the grapefruit soda.

Give it a good stir to mix everything together well and enjoy!

Onto the recipe!!

Yield: 1


This delicious cocktail is so satisfying as it mixes tequila with the refreshing taste of grapefruit juice and other ingredients to bring you a cocktail that you'll definitely want seconds of.


  • 2 ounces clear tequila
  • 2 ounces grapefruit juice
  • 1 ounce grapefruit soda
  • 1/2 ounce lime juice
  • 1/2 ounce simple syrup


  1. Fill a cocktail glass with ice.
  1. Pour in all of the ingredients above.
  1. Stir cocktail well to mix all ingredients.
Created using The Recipes Generator

There you have it.  The Paloma.  I hope you enjoy this cocktail as much as my husband and I do!

Happy Cinco De Mayo!!

This is THE cocktail that you will want to drinkTHIS Cinco De Mayo!!Happy Cinco De Mayo!!What better way to celebrate such a wonderful day than with an ice cold Paloma!Until a few months ago I had never heard of a Paloma.<Gasp, I know>But I hadn't!I was asked to create a Paloma recipe for the magazine I write for, so I googled it and started creating a recipe to my likings.Um......DELICIOUS!This...